Áskorun ehf (en. the Challenge) is a company providing service in the educational field since 2000. We specialize in non-formal learning, teaching and training for adults. We provide service for schools, companies, institutions and organizations in the public and private sector, for various associations, NGO´s and others, who work with groups of youth and/or youth-at-risk.
Áskorun ehf is a specialist in process learning on topics like: Leadership, personal and professional development, group work, team-building, problem-solving, communication, inter-cultural learning and group-dynamics. The Challenge works first and foremost by the philosophy and methodology of Experiential Learning (preferably in outdoor settings), based on reflective practices. Other approaches included on our educational platform are Inter-Cultural Learning and other non-formal and collaborative working methods.
Áskorun ehf (The Challenge) cooperates with Outward Bound Associations and other training providers of outdoor Experiential Learning across Europe. Within the company and its personnel we incorporate many years of working experience in the field of training and education, developing several national and international training projects, and therapy provisions for adults and youth.
For example:
In Europe:
(2008-2009) Via Experientia: Academy of Experiential Education
(2008) Learning Journey – “Intercultural dialogue in and for the Nature”. Experiential and deeply
personal journey of learning.
(2005-2006) Odyssey – Long term training course on Outdoor Education and experiential Learning
In Iceland:
(2008-2009) The School of Experience: Kringlumýri. Staff-training on experiential and reflective theory and approaches for leisure- and youthwork, in a Reykjavik district.
(1989-2008) The Highlanders – a wilderness and adventure therapy for youth at risk, since 1989
The Challenge is a founding partner of Via Experientia: International Academy of Experiential Education. Áskorun ehf is a member of Youth Express Network (YEN), which is an European network of youth organizations and associations focusing on work with disadvantaged youth against exclusion. Staff of Áskorun were members of the “Pool of Trainers” of the EU and the European Parlament.
Our role in the Reflect Project:
Áskorun is a member of the Via Experientia Partnership and participates fully in the research and development of this project. Áskorun will manage some of the project activities in Iceland, and participate in: a) the analysis of research, b) the development of workshops, c) the facilitation of the workshops during testing and development, d) be an active partner in the discussion and selection of ideas for developing innovative methodologies, tools and materials for practitioners, e) be fully engaged in the development, writing and creating a final draft of the publication.
The operational and financial management of the project within the organisation, on the practical and day to day basis, financial management for the project and the company will be the responsibility of the director / manager Björn Vilhjálmsson.
Yearly financial statements are supervised and audited by our revisors “Endurskoðun og ráðgjöf ehf”, a certified public accountant. (http://cpa.is/ume&r.htm)