In the sixth letter of the REFLECT-correspondent we wrote how “questioning is an important tool for educators to direct the reflective attention of learners. General phrased, it should help educator and learners to inquire more in depth that-which-is-at-stake. (…) [However,] deepening your questioning is not that much about asking continually more and more complicated and […]
In learning from the participants of the PROJECT REFLECT of how we become better facilitators of the reflective processes, we used poetic inquiry to explore and bring together various experiences of participants in different contexts. By using poetic inquiry we take words and phrases used by participants to describe their experiences of facilitating reflection and […]
This online learning event is directed to teachers or professors who have the need or the chance to work with their students online (through a Content Management System). It will start from the testing phase carried out during the REFLECT Project with our master students attending a blended course. The aim of the testing phase […]
During the REFLECT project assessment of the quality of reflection was a very sensitive topic. Colleagues from non-formal education field informed us that they don’t need to do assessment of reflection and colleagues from formal education field need to do so. These two opposite positions made us think of assessment of reflection more carefully. So […]
There are many entrances into the realm of reflection and one of the most important doors to reflection is silence. In the project´s inspiration box there is a short written exploration of silence that can be useful to read as a departure point for your own exploration of this topic. This on-line activity aims to […]
We found out that the term “Inner readiness” is quite new and provokes different reactions: curiosity, irritation, confusion, feeling of discovery. The content of Inner readiness becomes more clear when we reflect on it our-selves. This on-line activity aims to encourage you to reflect on your inner readiness and to share it with the rest […]