This online learning event is directed to teachers or professors who have the need or the chance to work with their students online (through a Content Management System). It will start from the testing phase carried out during the REFLECT Project with our master students attending a blended course. The aim of the testing phase was to support their reflective process “at distance”, through online resources and tools. We proposed three reflective steps: on contents and on process, and concerning the reflection on process, we proposed a reflection on previous experience and a reflection for further action, using different theoretical and methodological models.
During the learning event, participants will have the chance to experiment the same models and tools and to test them, in order to propose them in their courses.
Monica Fedeli & Daniela Frison (University of Padova, Italy)
13th March: opening of the learning event and presentation of the first reflective model and introduction to the first reflective session (reflection on content)
27th March: introduction to the second reflective session (reflection on content)
3rd April: introduction to the second reflection model (reflection on previous experience and a reflection for further action)
21st April: final discussion, sharing, and closing of the learning event
To participate in this learning event, we ask you to be willing to reflect about your practice as professor and to share your reflections