Holding the space!

The ‘little blue book’ is REFLECT’s final publication on facilitating reflection for inner readiness and learning. There are a limited amount of printed books which will be distributed via REFLECT’s partner organizations and on the multiplier events in Lithuania and Belgium. For those who do not get a real book, there is still the e-book to be downloaded right here.


The publication includes the following chapters:

  1. Introducing REFLECT
  2. Letters from our REFLECT correspondent
  3. Exploring the landscape of reflection
  4. Developing a concept of inner readiness
  5. An inspirational box
  6. Careful assessing
  7. Possibilities for reflecting on- and off line

Enjoy the reading: PDF Holding the Space. Facilitating reflection and inner readiness for learning.


Post Scriptum

We published a shortened version of some texts in ‘Holding the Space’. If you want to read full texts, please click below