
12. Name (/ type) of activity:


Organization presenting this method:                                                          Kitokie projektai
A Number of

people reflecting:

  Solo (1 person)   Small group

(< 20 people)


 Large group

(> 20 people)




B The way(s) of sharing:
Verbal: V


Non-verbal:   Pictures / V


  Text   Em­bodied  sculpture


  Other forms of expression


Digital:   Padlet


  Social media   Digital diary


C Place of reflection (where)   Indoors


  Out of doors




D The connection with guidelines:

What guidelines are you taking into consideration, while organizing your reflection?




Don´t direct content, direct process in order to co-create the reflective process.


Develop relationships based on trust, openness, empathy, honesty, dialogue and feed-back
Facilitate growth in awareness in learners, help them to “own” their learning,

In a personal and meaningful way.


Try to manage the paradox, involved in steering of an intrinsic learning process, ie to create a hightened reflective attention of learners.


Slow down and value moments of not-knowing, while progressively deepening your reflection questions.


Recall that reflection can never be imposed, only kindly invited.



Be careful of how you assess reflection – if you assess it at all.


Always consider reflection as a broad and deepening process, that should be holistic.






Goal of activity:


•       for everyone to quickly discover the range and shades of opinion on an issue.

•       to encourage everyone to clarify their thoughts before they speak to the group.

•       to improve the range and quality of contributions in group discussion.

•       to create a platform for group discussion in which participants naturally show an interest in each other’s chosen positions.

•       to bring rarely heard voices into group discussion. These voices are often the more reflective ones – producing greater learning for all.







•       is a scaling exercise. Participants show their position on an issue by where they place themselves on a curved spectrum.

•       helps people to clarify their views when talking with someone close to their own position (a ‘friendly neighbour’).

•       accelerates the start of a discussion by making everyone’s point of view visible.



Story from practice:


A rope is useful for marking out the horseshoe shape. Make the rope about 25% longer than would be needed for the group to stand side by side on it. 
Alternatively use well-spaced chairs to mark out the horseshoe shape. The space behind a circle or horseshoe of chairs can work well if there is room enough for people to move freely.


Timeframe: 1.      Ask a question that can be answered on a scale: “On a scale of 0 – 10, how much can you influence global warming? 0 = nothing I do will make a difference. 10 = I can make a difference.

2.      Everyone stands in position on a curved spectrum. To prevent people following each other rather than thinking for themselves, you can first ask everyone to write down a number and the reason for choosing it.

3.      Ask neighbours to discuss (in 2s or 3s) why they have chosen their position.

4.      Ask if anyone wants to move in either direction as a result of their discussion and let them do so.

5.      Bring attention to the overall pattern of distribution and invite comments.

6.      Ask everyone to notice where individuals are standing and ask, “Any surprises? Any comments? Any questions?”

7.      Encourage participants to move as and when their views change and invite them to explain why they are moving. Also ask stationary participants why they are not moving.

Facilitate discussion for as long as it is productive.