How am I now?

13. Name of activity:

                                                                                     How am I now?

Organization presenting this method:                                                                  KAMALEONTE
A Number of

people reflecting:

x  Solo (1 person) x Small group

(< 20 people)


 Large group

(> 20 people)


B The way(s) of sharing:
Verbal: x


Non-verbal: x Pictures /


x  Text    Em­bodied sculpture


   Other forms of expression


Digital:   Padlet


  Social media Digital diary


C Place of reflection (where) x  Indoors


  Out of doors    On-line


D The connection with guidelines:

What guidelines are you taking into consideration, while organizing your reflection?




Don´t direct content, direct process in order to co-create the reflective process.


Develop relationships based on trust, openness, empathy, honesty, dialogue and feed-back


Facilitate growth in awareness in learners, help them to “own” their learning,

In a personal and meaningful way.


Try to manage the paradox, involved in steering of an intrinsic learning process, ie to create a hightened reflective attention of learners.


Slow down and value moments of not-knowing, while progressively deepening your reflection questions.


Recall that reflection can never be imposed, only kindly invited.




Be careful of how you assess reflection – if you assess it at all.


Always consider reflection as a broad and deepening process, that should be holistic.










Goal of activity:


The goal is to reflect on how participants are before starting an activity.







The method has been used during a two day experiential learning workshop on leadership, to raise participants’ awareness on the experiences and emotions they are carrying with them into the course. This reflection practice serves the purpose of recognizing and making explicit what participants’ heads and hearts are busy with before starting an activity, so to be less affected by it.


In this case the activity took place indoor. Participants are asked to pick a card from a wide variety of picture cards. Each participant selects a card trying not to think ahead of what t can represent. The choice needs to be done on an instinctive base, as if the card is calling the person and not the person rationally choosing a meaning to it. With the chosen card the participants have few minutes to look at it and think about what it means to them. There can also be a set of questions asked such as:

–       Why did you choose this specific picture?

–       What does the picture tell about you?


They can also take notes of their thoughts. Next, in couples or trios, they share how they are.






Story from practice:


In many reflection tools, the focus is on a language oriented approach: through reading, writing, discussion or oral presentation. These language oriented approaches often stimulate cognitive and analytical processes. The use of images can stimulate reflection using different senses. By using picture cards the starting point will be personal emotions, convictions and experiences.


Timeframe: 1 hour