Organizational Culture. Teaching & Learning Methods (online activities)

Name educator: Fedeli Monica, Frison Daniela

Name partner organisation: University of Padova



Within the course “Organizational Culture. Teaching & Learning Methods”, the ALACT model (Action, Looking back on the action, Awareness of essential aspects, Creating alternative methods of action, and Trial by Korthagen & Vasalos, 2009) was used to encourage students to reflect on the learning process.

The model was focused on a personal,   professional, or learning experience in order to reframe the relationship between practice and reflection.



Date(s) of the testing project: from December 4th to January 14th

Number of participants: 15 (12 attending, 3 non attending)

Nationality of the participants: 13 Italian, 1 German, 1 Libyan

Sex of the participants: females 13  man­­­ 2

Age of the participants: from 23 (the most part) to 40 about

Amount of meetings with the learners:


A Number of

people reflecting:

 Solo (1 person)



 Small group

(< 20 people)

15 people

Large group

(> 20 people)


B The way(s) of sharing:


Non-verbal: Pictures / drawings Text Em­bodied Sculpture


Other forms of expression
Digital: Padlet


Social media Digital diary


C Place of reflection (where) Indoors


Out of doors On-line


D. Steps taken to implement

How did you organize your testing project (or to put it differently: as this is a testing project for experimenting, what will be different comparing to the same course you run the previous time)?


Concerning attending students, the model was focused on a microteaching experience realized in class, in group.

Concerning non attending students, the model was focused on a personal,  professional, or learning experience, chosen by students.

Students, attending and non-attending, were asked to follow and develop the ALACT model online, by means of the “Dialogue” resource provided by the Moodle Content Management System. This resource offers to the students the possibility to receive ongoing feedback on their work in order to improve and finalize it.


Reference: Korthagen, F. & Vasalos, A. (2009). From reflection to presence and mindfulness: 30 years of developments concerning the concept of reflection in teacher education. Paper presented at 13th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.