40 | Name of activity:
Random Diary Moments (RDM) |
Organization presenting this method:
Áskorun |
A | Number of
people reflecting: |
x Solo (1 person) | Small group
(< 20 people)
Large group
(> 20 people)
B | The way(s) of sharing: |
Can be shared if appropriate. |
Verbal: |
Non-verbal: | x Pictures /
x drawings |
x Text | Embodied | sculpture
Other forms of expression
Digital: | Padlet
Social media | x Digital diary
C | Place of reflection (where) | x Indoors
x Out of doors | On-line
D | The connection with guidelines:
What guidelines are you taking into consideration, while organizing your reflection? |
x |
Don´t direct content, direct process in order to co-create the reflective process. |
Develop relationships based on trust, openness, empathy, honesty, dialogue and feed-back | ||||||||
Facilitate growth in awareness in learners, help them to “own” their learning,
In a personal and meaningful way. |
Try to manage the paradox, involved in steering of an intrinsic learning process, ie to create a hightened reflective attention of learners. | ||||||||
x |
Slow down and value moments of not-knowing, while progressively deepening your reflection questions. | ||||||||
x |
Recall that reflection can never be imposed, only kindly invited.
x |
Always consider reflection as a broad and deepening process, that should be holistic. | ||||||||
x |
Be careful of how you assess reflection – if you assess it at all. |
Inspiration for Reflection
Project reflect
Broader description of method or story of an actual practice |
Goal of activity: |
The random nature of these short diary writings can show and draw the attention of the learner the diversity and different layers of our emotional being during a single day. Sometimes the RDM´s show that the diary is not catching our mood in each moment, as we are already generalizing about it.
RDM´s can make visible or raise the awareness of this human process of generalizing our experience to the learner, and that se do it even our very recent emotional experiences. Becomes basic material for reflection in small groups.
Context and settings: |
RDM´s are used to draw the attention to emotional content during or at the various moments of the day. The trainer (-s) choose 5-10 different moments of the day to call out for random diary moments, where the learners focus on two to three different aspects of their being at the moment of this writing.
RDM´s need to be done for a period of time, i.e. for a few days at a time, so that the learner has a collection of RDM´s to read and compare. At the end of this time the learner can discover the differences between diaries written after the experience and how we actually felt in a precise moment of the day |
Story from practice: |
The writing of the RDM´s need some peace and quiet, sitting down and absorbing what is going on within and how it lives in the learner. But the moment of calling for a RDM can be anytime, that is a time-out can be called for in the middle of a brisk activity and action, as long as it doesn´t intentionally interfere with the group activity. Firstly a random diary moment is called for and other activity is stopped. Secondly the learners write journal the following description: Where they are; what they are doing in the moment; how this is going? Thirdly they record their mood, emotion and their feeling, as they are able to be aware of it, in the precise moment.
This writing of random diary moments is a personal reflection in its own right, but it also brings a new awareness of our internal make-up, moods and patterns to the reflective encounter in a group setting. |
Timeframe: | 3 – 10 minutes | 5 – 10 times a day |