Reflection after action

41 Name or type of activity:

Reflection after action

Organization presenting this method:


1 Number of

people reflecting:

  Solo (1 person)   Small group

(< 20 people)


 Large group

(> 20 people)


2 The way(s) of sharing:
  Verbal: x


  Non-verbal:   Pictures /


  Text   Em­bodied  sculpture


 Other forms of expression


  Digital:   Padlet


  Social media   Digital diary


3 Place of reflection (where) x  Indoors


x  Out of doors   On-line


4 The connection with guidelines:

What guidelines are you taking into consideration, while organizing your reflection?



Don´t direct content, direct process in order to co-create the reflective process.



Develop relationships based on trust, openness, empathy, honesty, dialogue and feed-back

Facilitate growth in awareness in learners, help them to “own” their learning, in a personal and meaningful way.

Try to manage the paradox, involved in steering of an intrinsic learning process, ie to create a hightened reflective attention of learners.

Slow down and value moments of not-knowing, while progressively deepening your reflection questions.

Recall that reflection can never be imposed, only kindly invited.



Always consider reflection as a broad and deepening process, that should be holistic.


Be careful of how you assess reflection – if you assess it at all.

Inspiration for Reflection

Project reflect







Broader description of method or story of an actual practice


Goal of activity:


Activity for learning about the group and oneself after each activity.





In the beginn­ing of an out­door experient­ial program so that the participants get used to applying the experiential learning cycle. It is especially important in the beginning of a learning process and during work with short team-building  activities.



Story from practice:


Method:             Instructions – steps

a)  After the completion of an activity the facilitator gathers group members in a circle for sharing and processing the experience.


b) Group leader facilitatates the group sharing about the experience at various levels with suit­able questions – moving from description of the activity to inner experiences,  being aware of what members say or don´t say, and what they show and do.


c)  Reflection and sharing moves from external to internal; from the description of the task to the feelings it generated and trying to draw conclusions from what is there.

For example

i) How was the task and what happened during it.

ii) How did the group manage the task and how did the members work together while problem-solving.

iii) Personal accounts of how people felt, what they did and why they did what they did.


d)  Reflection continues while there is energy in the group and the sharing.


Timeframe: 5 – 25 minutes, depending on energy and concentration / focus in group.