Reflection before learning

Reflection before learning

Name educator: Artūras Deltuva

Name partner organisation: Kitokie projektai


Description of the course: it is a training course for a basic level manager on individual leadership.

The aim of the course is to support continues learning of the first level managers of the business company. It includes three training courses with the groups of learners: learning needs analysis, training course and the follow-up session. Participants where free to choose to participate in the training program, but after choosing to participate they had to participate from beginning till the end.


Aim of testing project:

to encourage the participants during the needs analysis to reflect on the specific situation in their work and to formulate their learning objectives on the base of this reflection.


Date(s) of the testing project: __October 22, November 25-26, January 22____

Target group:_Basic level managers_____              

Number of participants:_17___

Nationality of the participants: __Lithuanians__________________

Sex of the participants: 5 females­­­­­­­­­­______ 13 man­­­______

Age of the participants:__25____ to__40____

Amount of meetings with the learners:_3_____

A Number of people reflecting: V  Solo (1 person) V Small group

(< 20 people)


 Large group

(> 20 people)


B The way(s) of sharing:
Verbal: V
Non-verbal:  Pictures /


 Text  Em­bodied  sculpture  Other forms of expression
Digital:  Padlet  Social media  Digital diary
C Place of reflection (where) V Indoors


 Outdoors  On-line


D. Steps taken to implement

How did you organize your testing project (or to put it differently: as this is a testing project for experimenting, what will be different comparing to the same course you run the previous time)?

The need analysis session was organized differently from previous times. Usually we focus on the question of what do you as a participant want to improve. But in this case we started from the question of what is happening in your work, then what this situation is requiring from you as the managers, then on how prepared you are to respond to the need of the situation and only then – what do you have to strengthen in yourself in order to respond to the situation in the best possible way.

E. Your assessment of the outcome

In general, how do you look at the results of your testing project?

I believe that this kind of reflection has increased the readiness to learn and learning became more focused. Good energy was felt after the needs analysis and it was kept threw out the program. Participants felt co-creators of the program. They understood intention of the training program from the very beginning and there was no need to motivate them anymore.

Learners were motivated to learn and they have cooperated in learning process from beginning till the end. The meaning of individual or group reflection practice made more sense to them.

Participants in their questioners have stressed that they have appreciated the efforts to connect the learning process with their daily life during the needs analysis and during the training course as well.

F  Connecting with principles: which principle(s) were you taking into consideration mostly when facilitating reflection with learners? Please add 2 sentences about how you were translating the principle into practice. For more information: see postings on principles.



Raising awareness within learners to ‘own’ their learning in personally meaningful way.

We did it from the very beginning by analysing their learning needs on the base of their work situation. Also during the training process we had reflections after experiential activities as well as after theoretical inputs.



Developing a relationship between educator and learners based on trust, openness, empathy, honesty, dialogue and feedback

The needs analysis created a base for relationship between educators and learners. Trust, openness, empathy, honesty where not “told”, but expressed in action. Dialogue and feedback was part of methodology during the needs analysis and during the training program.



Co-creating the reflective process

Learning targets where created together and it had a positive influence during reflection moments. There was no defensive attitude to it, because participants felt they can make sense of reflection by relating it to their learning objectives.

Managing the steering paradox of intrinsic learning processes
Creating the right reflective attention of learners
Slowing down and value moments of not-knowing,
Deepening your questions progressively
Recalling that reflection can never be imposed, only kindly invited.
Always considering reflection as a broad and deepening process, that should be holistic.
Being careful how to asses reflection (or not at all)