What were our learning experiences during REFLECT?


In September 2015 and February 2016 we organized two training events for colleagues in our organizations.We got to know each other, introduced REFLECT’s principles and guidelines, talked about the developing concept of inner readiness and thought about a testing project for each one of us. This testing projects were run in between the two events and are the most important part of REFLECT’s testing phase. The staff members from University of Iceland have now finalized their report on this testing projects. The aim of this report is to summarize what was done in the testing phase, to reflect on all of our learning processes during the testing projects and to draw some conclusions which help to answer the main research question: “How do we become better facilitators of the reflective process?”

Are you curious to read more? Click here: https://www.reflecting.eu/project/evaluating-reflects-testing-phase/?preview_id=686&preview_nonce=76a019f8d8&_thumbnail_id=410&preview=true