This is the site of REFLECT, an Erasmus+ project on facilitating reflection processes as well as a learning community for practitioners from both formal and non-formal education.  The major focus of project REFLECT is on how to create the most appropriate learning environment which fosters genuine reflection in the most spontaneous way, both in formal and non-formal education.

This site will keep you informed on the latest developments of the project and give you the possibility to engage in on-line learning & sharing activities in January 2017. Spread the news!

Read more about the scope of project REFLECT →

REFLECT: how to get started? Click here!

REFLECT developed a set of principles and guidelines for the educator to take in account, in order to create a reflective atmosphere and to let learners ‘grow’ into reflection more naturally. It’s important to note that this reflective atmosphere cannot be ‘constructed’ by any tricks, methods or teaching didactics, but can only be co-created slowly and authentically within the learning group by both educator and learners.

During the project we wrote a series of 10 letters and 1 post scriptum which are slowly unraveling this framework of principles and guidelines. They were at the core of our project and present a nice starting point for you to get in touch with our perspective.

Best thing to do is to read one letter a day! Enjoy them!